Unit 1 Topic A

Please tell us a little bit about yourself:

  • where you teach
  • what you teach
  • family
  • other interests


Worth Weller said...

I teach full-time for IPFW, but I live in North Manchester and rarely have to travel to Ft. Wayne because I teach mostly Internet classes. Courses that I teach include composition, journalism and photography.

My interests include photography, hiking, camping, reading, football, homebrewing and music.

My wife, Susan, and I have been married since we met at Duke back, in the late 60s. We have three grown kids: a daughter who just moved with her husband and their first child to Denver, a son who just flew off to Korea, and another daughter who lives in New York City.

Cori said...

I currently do not teach, but consider myself a teacher to my children. I am coming back to school after taking many years off to be a mommy.

I don't have much time for hobbies and interest. I guess that my children and their hobbies have become mine. We have lots of sporting events and all the other things that they sign up for. I guess that I could say my passion is children and human service work. We have been foster parents to over 20 children and I enjoy working with medically fragile children and children with disabilities.

I have been with my husband for 14 years, married for 10. We have adopted six children, and have three biological children. Our children range in age from 1 to 15. Some of our children have disabilities ranging from cerebral palsy, to Moderately mentally handicapped, to bipolar, and pretty much everything in between.

I am returning to school to finish my degree, so that I am ready to enter the workforce when my youngest goes to preschool.

Worth Weller said...

that's great Cori - welcome back; I think you will enjoy this class.

Susan said...

I'm Susan Weller. In my role as Technology Coordinator for Manchester Community Schools I work with both kids and adults as they use technology for learning. I'm hoping to create some learning modules for elementary students and some resources for staff training as well.

As Worth indicated, our three children are grown. Now that we're empty nesters, we enjoy walking our dogs all around town, camping, hiking, and going to visit our kids and granddaughter.

If you're able to attend the session on June 30, you'll get to see where I work. We'll be using one of the labs at Manchester Junior High.

Diana said...


I teach art in Fort Wayne Community Schools. I am teaching elementary art (K - 5) now but I am looking to get into teaching middle school. I am one of those unusual people who actually likes the middle school animal. I've taught preK through high school in the 20+ years I've been at this.

My husband< Jeb Waldschmidt, teaches English Comp at USF and Indiana Tech. I think you might know him, Mr. Weller, he taught at IPFW a few years back. We have two children. Amelia just finished her freshman year at IPFW and Zeke is going to be a junior in high school. They are both artistic, musical, creative, right-brained freaks like their parents.

I enjoy making art, traveling, camping, gardening, reading, and my family and friends. I just finished teaching a two week art camp for little ones and now plan to spend some time on my own education.

I am looking forward to Monday. See you then.

Diana Cole

Carlos said...

Hi, I'm Carlos Concepcion, I'm not a teacher. What I am is a computer technician working at Signature Mac, that new business that opened up on Coliseum and Lima. They sell and service Apple computer products.

I graduated from USF in '87, with a BA in English. I'm also a part-time grad student at IPFW enrolled in the Master of Science in Technology program (Purdue track). This is only the second class I'm involved in since resuming my academic career. My wife is also a grad student at IPFW pursuing an MBA. She, too, is graduate of USF, with a BS in Chemistry. She's a Lab Manager for a major plastics manufacturing company in Warsaw.

I enjoy sports - college football in particular, where my wife and I are rabid Cougar fans following our beloved USF football team. We're also active in volleyball league-play, as well as regularly working out at Spiece.

When not actively engaged, I like to read up on military history - a by-product of my other leisurely pursuit; building plastic model airplanes. I've been building them since I was about five or six. Unfortunately, due to the many responsibilities expected of my professional and academic careers, I haven't really completed a model in several years.

Despite not being a teacher I look forward to this class. The technical aspects surrounding it intrigue me.

Worth Weller said...

Diana - great to have you on board; say hi to Jeb for me.

Sue said...

I teach at Manchester Jr/Sr High School. I teach JH Science. I also coach JV volleyball, JH co-ed track, Science Olympiad and Academic Super Bowl. My husband, Jon and I will be celebrating our 25th anniversary this December. Our son, Andrew, will be headed to Taylor University this fall and our daughter, Tara, will be a junior at MJSHS. I enjoy photography and tennis. I am currently trying to teach myself some of the many "ins" and "outs" of Adobe CS3.

Shannon said...

I am currently working as the computer teacher at Lincoln Elementary School in Warsaw, Indiana. I enjoy this position because I am able to work with every student in the building at some point during the week. It also allows me to get to know all of the staff members, and to be trained on all the new technology we receive.
Outside of school I enjoy spending time outdoors, reading, working out, and spending time with friends.

Laura S said...

Hi, I'm Laura Strong. I am currently a stay at home mom with two beautiful young daughters. My oldest is four and misses the date to attend Kindergarten this year but she is so ready that I decided to homeschool her this fall. If it works out, I plan to continue homeschooling her and her sister. I have been married to my husband for 12 years this July. He's excited that I'm taking an online course because I will finish another class tomorrow and he's ready to have things back to "normal" around here! I am very active in my church by teaching Sunday School, Junior Church, and volunteering in other areas. I also serve on our day care board. I LOVE to garden and be outside whenever I can. Our garden is doing fantastic this year and I'm looking forward to doing a ton of canning and freezing for this winter. My husband is the computer "guru" of our family (he's a programmer) so I'm looking forward to learning more and hopefully being able to implement it in my homeschooling.

Worth Weller said...

hey Laura - you might think about a blog or a wiki for your church as your major project, or a learning unit for your daughter - maybe a wiki with some podcasts.

Worth Weller said...

hey Carlos - maybe you can do a military history wiki, or a football wiki (for SF)

Laura S said...

Help! I'm trying to log into the class q and a session and I can't figure it out! Any advice???

Shelly said...

Hi. My name is Shelly and I live in Kendallville, IN with my husband and three daughters. I have a B.S. from IU at Fort Wayne in Elementary Education and a M.S. in School Administration. I taught for eight years before starting a family and staying home with the children. However, to prevent boredom and further decay of my brain, I wrote myself into the family business, which is repairing airplane wings. I take care of all the HR related items and I AM the IT department. It usually needs my attention 3-4 mornings a week. I am excited to start this class and see using the knowledge I gain to educate my employees (20 in all) on all their HR issues, as well as keeping up on these cool things to impress my kids!

Logan said...

I currently don't teach, but am actively looking for a Health / PE Position- Jr. High or High school. I've worked at Vera Bradley in the HR department for the last year. I'm taking this class to renew my teaching license. I also Love to coach, mostly volleyball; but I've also coached softball, t-ball and basketball. My husband and I recently found out that we are "expecting"! We are very excited, and can't wait for this new addition!

Bob said...

I currently don't teach, but have considered it as a career change. Currently I'm self employed.

Vanessa said...

Hi! My name is Vanessa Schoon. I currently teach for Huntington University and Med Tech College in the evenings, and stay home during the day with my one-year-old little boy. I teach Statistics, Computer Applications, and Biology for the colleges, but I previously taught middle school science and math for seven years in Houston, Texas and Indiana. I have been married for 5 1/2 years to my wonderful husband, Aaron. We have a one-year-old energetic boy and are expecting another baby at the end of December. I love to run, hike (We are trying to climb all 50 state highpoints.), swim, travel, read, and am currently addicted to facebook. I am looking forward to hearing about all of you. Thanks!

D.Chris Singleton said...

My name is David Singleton, but I have gone by my middle name, Chris, since I was little. I teach 6th grade Social Studies at Shawnee Middle School in Fort Wayne Community Schools. I have been teaching for about 9 years mostly in the same school. I have also been married to my wife for 9 years who also works at Shawnee and is also taking this class. We have three children together. Grace is 5, Ella is 3, and Colt is 4 months old. My interests are spending time with my family, reading, coaching football, watching the Yankees, and playing guitar. I am very much looking forward to the internet class and learning about the different ways I can incorporate technology into the classroom next year!

Worth Weller said...

Hey, welcome to the Summer 09 version of this class! I can see I need to change my profile pic, as I cut off my facial hair this year in a vain (double entendre) attermpt to get reduce the effects of aging!

Barry Culbertson said...

I am presently unemployed. I formerly worked for different insurance agencies in town. I have decided to do a career change to teach elementary education. My wife is a nurse at Lutheran Hospital. We have two chidren, a duaghter who is a senior at Taylor University and will be student teaching in Englist this fall and a son who will be a freshmen at Bethel College this fall.
I like to read,watch television, and ride a four wheeler back in my step fathers woods.

Mango said...

Hi, I'm Catherine.

I graduated from Cornell with a degree in English many moons ago and completed my graduate studies in TESOL at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. I have taught adult ESL in Salinas, CA; graduate school writing workshop at MIIS in Monterey, CA; high school 9th & 10th grade English (sheltered content literature) in Salinas, CA; 10th grade English and high school drama in Tampa, FL.

Upon moving to Indiana, I took a hiatus from teaching to focus on raising my son Cameron who is now 17. We had a family plan being fruitful and multiplying every 2 years, but God chuckled at that plan. I took up yoga and got hooked on it, became pregnant, and delivered Andrew who is now 9. Missing teaching and being enthralled with yoga, I decided to become a Certified YogaKids Facilitator. When Andrew's preschool here in Warsaw needed a gym teacher, I covered their classes for the year. I still teach an average of 4 classes a week at Giverny.

From 2008-09 I served as a program manager for a small nonprofit organization that folded in April. I substitute taught this spring and I am currently working on completing Indiana's certification requirements (2 classes and both Praxis exams) so that I can reprise my career in secondary education. Please post links to any English openings in Indiana. I'm willing to relocate.

My other interests are watching my kids' sports and activities, meditating, reading, cooking, volunteer work, playing with my 2 dogs (one lab, one labradoodle), foreign language, travel, Zumba, and tandem hang gliding.

I'm looking forward to immersing myself in this learning experience and connecting to our virtual community.

Abby said...

Hi, I'm Abby.

I teach 2nd grade at Flint Springs Elementary in Huntington, IN. I have been teaching for 8 years now and have taught 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade over those 8 years.

Besides teaching, I enjoy playing sports (softball, volleyball, golf, and swimming), spending time with family and friends, reading books, watching movies, and helping out with the youth group at my church.

Most of my family lives here in town so I get to see them on a regular basis. Both my mom and dad and my sister, Amy and her husband and 3 kids (my two nephews and 1 niece). I am actually getting ready to go to my oldest nephew's tournament baseball game in a little bit!

Andrew said...

Hello, my name is Andrew Wyss and I am a Social Studies teacher at Northrop HS. I am licensed to teach World History, World Geography, and US History.
I also coach basketball (freshmen boys) and serve as a Student Council Advisor and Sophomore Class Sponsor. I'm sure more things will be added to this list as I continue to teach..
My wife's name is Ellen and we have been married for 3 years. Our daughter, Marion, just turned 1about a month ago. She is walking (waddling) now and it is fun to watch. She is also a stage 2 clinger to mommy. Our dog Peanut is a miniature dachsund and did not perform well at the weiner dog races...sad day..ha.
My interests, when time permits, are sports (any).

Bill said...

I am a Jr. High science and physical education teacher at Manchester Jr./Sr. High School. I have taught at Manchester for 15 years, 24 years total. I also coach girls basketball and track.

I am married and have 4 children. Gavin and Leah are twins who have just finished their freshman year of college. Gavin is a swimmer at a Ball State and Leah is in nursing at USI. Kegan is my 16 year old and will be a sophomore at Manchester High School, and Colin will be a sixth grader at Manchester Intermediate School.

I enjoy all sports and spend a lot of time going to my kid’s sporting events.

Jenny said...

I am a special education teacher. I am certified in the area of mild disabilities grades K-12. I am currently home with my children, but hope to go back to teaching in the fall.

I am married and have 2 children. Sam is 4 and Max is 2. They are involved in t-ball, gymnastics, and preschool.

I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I like sports and being outdoors.

Andrea said...

I am a teacher at Shawnee Middle School and I teach sixth and seventh grade Language Arts. My husband, Chris, also teaches at Shawnee.

I have been with my husband since high school, so we've been together 16 years, but married nine. We have three children - Grace who is five, Ella who is three, and Colt who is four months.

I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, and making crafts with my kids.

Ackbar said...

I currently do not teach, but am looking into the future as a possiblity.

I have a great family, with teaching in the mix. Family is very important to me.

I am a tech geek who enjoys the new technology for about a month then moves on to the next. I enjoy working out daily to relax and escape.

lifetime learner said...

My name is Jason Marsh. I am an instructor for the American School in Lansing, Illinois. I teach Sociology, Government, and World History at this time. Our school gives high school diplomas by correspondence. I am using this course for license renewal and look for ways to integrate technology into teaching on a regular basis. My school is open year-long, so I am currently working while I am completely this course. I am looking forward to what I can learn from this class. Now let the journey begin!

physical fit for life said...

Hi!! I am Shelby from Illinois!! I have a teaching degree in physical education K-12. I am taking this class to keep up on my teaching license in hopes of when my kids get into school I can get back into teaching.

I have been married to my husband for eight years. We have three children ages 6,4, and nine months!!

My interests include running, working out, reading and spending time with my family!!

Angela said...

Hi! I'm Angela Runion. I have been a stay at home mom for the past seven years. I am going back to teaching this fall at St. Therese Catholic School. I'll be teaching middle school math and lit. I am nervous and excited at the same time. I am taking this class to renew my license and thought I'd try to learn something new in the process. I have never been good with technology and am looking forward to this class and seeing what I can implement in my teaching this coming year.
I have been married for over nine years to Jeff. We have a daughter, Grace who is 6, and a son, Jack who is 4. They will both be in school this fall so now is the perfect time for me to go back. We have a chocolate lab, Chancelor and a yellow lab, Hero. They are CRAZY dogs, but I love them. My interests and hobbies include walking the crazy dogs, reading, photography, gardening (really anything that allows me to be outside), playing with my kids and generally hanging out with my family.

Josh said...

Hi I am a current Flight Instructor, and corporate pilot. From the title it is easy to see what I do. I love aviation in which has been my passion for years. I have been an active flight instructor for 10 years. I teach private pilots, instrument pilots, commercial pilots, and flight instructor courses. I have a wonderful wife, with two beautiful daughters. My passion and hobbies included being on the lake, fishing, and skiing.

Kevin said...

Hello, I am Kevin Hildebrand. I have a couple of different areas in my vocation. My primary work is at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne where I teach church music, and play the organ and direct the choirs. I also am one of the choir instructors at St. Paul's Lutheran Church and School in Ft. Wayne. I'm hoping to find ways to use this course in my work with both junior high students as well as adult students.

I'm a native of Michigan, and I was a jr. high teacher and music educator prior to moving to Ft. Wayne. My wife and children enjoy visiting Michigan whenever we can.

Travis Fisher said...

Hi, I am Travis Fisher, and I teach 11th grade English Lit. and 12th grade composition at Homestead High School in Fort Wayne. I just completed my 12th year teaching at Homestead and am taking the class to renew my license. I'm looking forward to learning about new ways to engage my students. My outside interests include politics, drama, and music.

SeƱora Riley said...

Hello, I am Trina Riley. I have just finished my 4th year at Miami Middle School, FWCS where I taught 6th grade World Languages (Spanish/French), 7th/8th grade Introduction Spanish, & 8th grade Level I Spanish for high school credit. Unfortunatly, I was one of the many who were laid off from the district so I am unsure of where I will land a job teaching next school year.

I have been married for 1 1/2 years. I have a daughter, son, and a stepdaughter. My daughther, Saleena, is starting high school this upcoming year. My son, Drizzton, will be a 3rd grader, and my stepdaughter Mersades, will be a 5th grader.

Because it is summertime, I enjoy sleeping in, cooking big breakfasts, playing videogames with my son, watching silly youtube videos with my daughter, and going to the lakes. I also enjoy putt putt and riding bikes. Overall, I am enjoying relaxation in contrast to the fast paced scheduled during the school year.

Anonymous said...

Hello! My name is Emily Policinski.
I am currently not teaching, but have often thought about the possibility. I am a Genearl Studies Major and am graduating next spring. I just recently became engaged and am getting married next year. 2011 will be a very exciteing year and I am looking forward to my future out of school!

Shane Miles said...

My name is Shane Swoverland. I will be student- teaching 7th grade world history this fall at Blackhawk Middle School, and am a volunteer teacher for Right Relation Inc.'s Family Enrichment Series. I am planning on teaching high school social studies (economics, government, and history) and am also working on a middle school math certificate.

I've been married for nearly ten years. My wife and I met in San Diego while I was serving in the Marine Corps. We have a beautiful five-year old son. My father passed a few years ago, and my wife's parents live in Venezuela, but my mother and sister are nearby and we benefit from their company and love.

My interests include piano, guitar, poetry, spirituality, psychology, economics, history, nature, bowling with my son, swimming, and writing. I also like to run and occasionally work out on a Bowflex we purchases a few years ago. Last night my wife and I went to see Eclipse.

Unknown said...

Hi I am a little late in responding to this. My computer broke just before the class officially started and we were in Yellowstone. I was able to get our blog created on my husbands work computer, but somehow missed this. Glad to meet everyone! :)
I teach in Marion IN and live in Fort Wayne, yep 68 miles one way. I teach algebra 1 and I love it.
My husband and I just moved to Fort Wayne last summer from Michigan. Right now it's just the two of us and our dog, Matrix.
I have a multitude of interests including, hiking, camping, backpacking, swimming, pretty much anything outside as well as knitting and crocheting.

andyheller said...

I am glad I am not the only one with "camping issues and the computer!" My name is Andy Heller and I am a teacher at IOB - Imagine Schools on Broadway in Fort Wayne. I currently teach PE and Reading and coach cheerleading. (My nickname is "Coach")

I have been married for 14 years and have 2 children - Suzi (12) and Billy (10) I love watching my kids participate in cheerleading, soccer, football, basketball, diving, and go kart racing! My family and I also enjoy boating and traveling! I am hoping this course helps me catch up with students today and modern technology, as none of this tech stuff was around when I went to IU :)

klyons said...

I've been teaching in Fort Wayne Community Schools for 14 years. I am currently teaching 7th grade Language and Social Studies.

I have 4 children, ages 1-12. They keep me very busy! I love to read and to watch and play several sports!

ChrisHudecek said...

Greetings! My name is Chris Hudecek. I've taught at Butler Elementary in DeKalb County for the past 14 years. I've taught first through third grade, but I've spent most of my time in third grade. I am currently teaching a Summer Science enrichment course.

I've been married to my husband Mike for two years. We had our first child, a beautiful baby girl in January, so I took off the spring semester for an extended maternity leave. I am also taking a leave-of-absence next year to stay home and be Mommy to little Maria.

I enjoy most things involving the outdoors...hiking, biking, camping, gardening. However, there seems to be much less time for those things since January!

Faith S. said...

Hello, my name is Faith Smith. I am currently not teaching. I left teaching to have our second child. I planned on returning within the next two years, that was until we found out we will be expecting our third child in early October. Oops!
When I was teaching I taught English at Snider HIgh School. I am now working at Eddie Merlot's, a fine dining steakhouse, as a server and floor manager. Although I enjoy meeting new people and the fast pace environment, I truly miss sharing my love for language and reading with my students.
I have been married to my lovely husband, Charles, for the past twelve years. We have a beautiful eight year old daughter named Isabella, a rowdy and ornery three year old named Isaac, and as mentioned before, a baby boy due to arrive in the fall.
I enjoy spending time with family and friends, reading, and relaxing. Unfortunately, my schedule doesn't allow for a whole lot of that. :)

Worth Weller said...

Hi Faith, Chris, and KLyons; nice to meet you guys. I'm teaching this class this summer from a camper in the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains, where our new house is nearly complete.

If you want to know a bit more, here is our family blog:


(I think you will have to copy and paste that link into a new browser window.)

Christine Russell said...

Hi there!
My name is Christine and I am currently teaching second grade at Canterbury here in Fort Wayne. I taught second and third grade in the FWCS system for about 10 years before moving to Canterbury.
I have two kids, a seven year old boy and an 11 month old daughter. Both keep me busy, but I wouldn't want it any other way.
Have a great 4th of July!